baby being baptized

Praying, singing, and working

together to love God and our neighbor

About us

Kids dressed up at Halloween Carnival

St. Luke’s story is one of vision, rebirth and service. The church was founded in the 19th century as a refuge for those fleeing the ravages of war. Almost a century later, the "little refugee church" made an intentional decision to remain in downtown Atlanta 
as other churches were heading for the suburbs. These two "births" are vital to the DNA of the community that continues to worship and serve in Atlanta to this day.

Our Core Values


We strive to follow Jesus in the sacramental tradition of the Episcopal church in prayer, fellowship, and study, and in 
service to the greater community.


We strive to welcome and grow 
with many kinds of people and perspectives toward a more just society.


We are open to change as we distinguish how to carry out God's work in this time by engaging in deep listening and thought-provoking processes of discernment.


We strive to collaboratively use our resources to care for each other, our church, our community, and our world.


​The Rev. Winnie Varghese


​The Rev. P. Kimberleigh Jordan, PH.D.

Minister for Formation, Community Ministries, and Creative Arts

​The Rev. Joseph J. Rose

Associate Rector for Congregational Development and Pastoral Care

​The Rev. Matt Babcock


​The Rev. Megan Swett

Associate Rector for Children, Youth & Families


Matthew Brown

Director of Music

Valerie Isobel Freer

Receptionist & Administrative Assistant

Heidi Rose

Director of Facilities and Hospitality

Michelle Jemmott

Manager of Office Administration

Colleen Kingston

Associate Director of Children and Youth Choirs

Elizabeth Mckinnon

Director of Communications

Greg McRae

Sexton Leader

Tori Moore

Director of Hospitality & Events

Megan Wyman

Executive Assistant to the Rector

Tara Duncan

Communications Specialist

Djalia Uwimana

Assistant Director of Children, Youth & Families

Michael Baker


Tammy Burns


Ezechiel Daos

Gerre Hancock Intern


Deneta Sells

Senior Warden

JP Fougerousse


Brian Opsahl


Lisa Boswell

Pat Brumbaugh

John Floyd

Sharon Gay

Darryl Holloman

Peter Kopp

Allison Stouffer Kopp

Cynthia Cass

Julius Coles

Lindsey S. Macon

Trenton Tunnell III