Get Involved with St. Luke's
St. Luke’s is a faithful, inclusive, dynamic, and generous community in the heart of downtown Atlanta. Let us help you navigate the many opportunities to engage in the life of this vibrant church community.
Serve in the community
For the Heart of Atlanta: 2025 Formation
St. Luke’s has a long history of commitment to outreach and social justice. Organizations such as the Atlanta Community Food Bank, Crossroads Community Ministries, The Training and Counseling Center, and The Boyce L. Ansley School, got their start at St. Luke’s. Today, our church’s members lead opportunities to learn about and support racial and economic equality, ending gun violence, voter empowerment, mental health services, prison ministries, and other programs critical to creating justice in our city.
Church of the Common Ground
crossroads community ministries
Training & Counseling Center (TACC)
The Boyce L. Ansley School
courtland street mission
Holy Comforter Meal Service
fill the baskets
Respite care atlanta
Partners in Change
Faith & Advocacy Network (FAN)
Ebenezer Baptist Church & St. Luke’s Partnership
Gun Violence Prevention Group
LGBTQ Equality
Emmaus House
midtown association center (MAC)
Cuba Companionship
Learn at St. Luke's
At St. Luke’s we are people of faith who are lifelong learners. We take seriously St. Paul’s encouragement to the early church at Rome to “be transformed by the renewing of [our] minds.” Our parish reads, thinks, and reasons together in Sunday Morning Formation sessions, small groups, classes on theology and practical spirituality, topical Lent and Advent series, and Bible studies. Once a year, we engage in a church-wide book study of a recently published title or on a relevant topic.
Sunday Morning Adult Formation
Bible Studies
Annual Womanist Midrash
Sacred Ground
‘Being With’ Course
Education for Ministry (EfM)
Faith Advocacy Network Forums
Serve at St. Luke's
Our spiritual life together at St. Luke’s is led by our members. Whether you’re interested in providing care for fellow church members through times of transition or reading scripture or prayers during worship services, there are wide ranging opportunities to engage in worship and prayer at St. Luke’s.
Finding Our Way Family Mental Health
Grief Support Groups
College Ministry
Community of Hope
Daughters of the King
Eucharistic Visitors
Good Samaritans
Healing Ministry
We love a good time and a reason to gather! Through shared meals, concerts, and social activities, we value opportunities to invite the community to enjoy time together at St. Luke’s and out in our community.
Annual Parish Retreat at Kanuga
Banned Book Club
Bridge Builders
Knitting Ministry
Loaves & Fishes
Parents of Little Ones (POLO)
Pride Hospitality