Parish Library
Posted on Jan 01, 2019
The Parish Library has a wide-ranging selection of resources to support you on your spiritual journey. Our collection includes 2500+ titles on topics such as the Episcopal Church, Anglicanism, theology, Bible studies, comparative religion, spiritual growth, prayer, parenting, and much more. We have children and youth sections, fiction, and a selection of DVDs.
The library is located on the hallway behind the church, near the St. Luke Room, and is open whenever the church is open. WiFi is available. Parishioners and community members may borrow materials.
Checkout is self-service. Simply sign and date the card found in the back of the item you’re borrowing and place it in the box on top of the book return on the right side of the library. Initial checkout is for one month, but items can be renewed. Return items in the book return. Periodicals may be also be borrowed but don’t have to be signed out – just take what you’d like to read and return it when you’re done.
Catalog: To find a particular item, use the online catalog button. You may search by title, author, subject or keyword.
Resource Guides: For suggested resources on various subjects or by selected authors, check out our Resource Guides.
Donations: Donations to the library are welcome. Donated items must be in good condition, not duplicate existing materials, and meet a library need. If you would like to contribute specific items, we maintain a Wish List on Amazon. You also may designate a gift for the library through the finance office.